Expert Development Advice
- Best unit mix
- Fire requirements
- Phasing
- Door access contol
- Security

Harrington Wyles has extensive experience in self storage development, in multiple countries including, Canada, USA and the UK.
With this wealth of experience, we can advise on a full range of issues that will need to be considered when developing a self storage facility. Where required we bring in local consultants, but help them understand this niche development, to save time and cost.
The key is to utilize all available space in the most efficient way to maximize return. However, there will be other requirements that need to be built in, such as disability and fire requirements. These will impact on the efficiency of the project. Therefore, expert advice is essential to avoid costly mistakes and incorporating these requirements to the satisfaction of the local authorities.
Some planning, building and fire departments will have experience and guidance on the development of self storage facilities. Many will not. They will not understand the level of parking required, or the footfall visiting a facility daily. HW provides the experience to guide and educate many of these decision makers through the process, so they have a comprehensive understanding of how the facility will operate and make their decisions on a well-informed basis.
This, coupled ensuring that the appropriate statutory permitting and consents are in place as well adhering to building regulations is essential to operate a successful facility.
Developing self storage facilities can be an expensive business, but through experience these costs can be reduced, by using tried and tested processes.
Proactive consultation, planning and project management is essential to the success of a scheme. Delays and mistakes can be expensive. The objective of any operator is to get the store to a point of opening as soon as possible after acquisition. With comprehensive pre-planning, the timeline from acquisition to opening can be kept to a minimum.
HW can advise at all stages of a project from initial feasibility studies, modelling and actual development. To find out more contact us.