Self Storage Feasibility Studies

Expert Advice From The Start

Self storage is an embryonic industry in many countries and well established in others. There are over 50,000 facilities in the USA, Canada, Australia and UK. With new homes getting smaller and people acquiring more possessions the demand for storage is increasing. This has meant an increased demand for self-storage and in-turn self storage feasibility studies.

For landowners or investors who do not have experience in self storage, expert advice from Harrington Wyles will help create the foundation of a successful venture into this fast-growing industry.

HW has the expertise to provide self storage feasibility studies to assess whether there is an opportunity.  We provide a comprehensive package of advice including:

  • Appraisal
  • Design
  • Planning
  • Construction

As well as marketing and operational expertise. Our target is to ensure the optimum return on investment, whilst avoiding many of the pitfalls along the way.

Surplus land or part of a redundant building may present a great opportunity where significant value can be added through self storage. HW can provide end to end analysis and solutions to maximize the return and reduce risk.

Understanding the relationship between the key metrics when considering property for self storage is essential. This expertise enables any project to be appraised and modelled; considering key sensitivities not only from a property perspective, but also combined with the forecast performance of the operational business.

Whether the property is already owned, leased or is a possible acquisition, full feasibility of the property and the business plan will be undertaken. The property is one of the key elements of any self storage business, it’s location, size, accessibility, condition and many other factors will affect the business’s potential success.

Comprehensively understanding these elements of any self storage venture coupled with operational expertise at the beginning of a project will assist in optimizing returns and reducing exposure.

For more information contact us today.